While we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13
This past week we celebrated Christmas yet it was not the joyous time it should be. We wanted to celebrate the birth of our Savior but it was just too hard; we were caught in our own pain, avoiding the holiday and its ever-so-empty seat at the table once occupied by Dad. All those with experience say that you just "get through" the first holiday.
Last Christmas we were waiting for Dad’s imminent departure. Every activity was bittersweet knowing that it was our last with him. We spent day after day waiting –then on January 11, one day after his 90th birthday, Dad decided to go on to his Heavenly home.
This week we were in that place again—waiting—this time for Mom. We waited; although we knew where she was going and who she’d be with, it was still hard. We told her we loved her, that she’d soon see Dad, and that she’d soon be whole again. They were words we meant but our hearts struggled to say them.
Mom joined her husband of 68 years this morning and is now in the presence of her Savior.
It can’t get much better than that—except for all of us to be together. For that we must wait. We wait for His glorious appearing. Come quickly, Lord.